In outdoor learning this week Starfish have planted runner beans and sunflower seeds. They planted some in bags, which are going to be taped to the classroom windows so they can watch the seeds change, and they planted some in pots.
Jellyfish enjoyed their swimming session in our own school swimming pool. Starfish enjoyed a sunny visit to Rosemoor Gardens this week to explore how plants grow. In the journey through the gardens they learnt the names of the parts of a plant and began to understand how they grow and what they need to grow healthily. They planted their own cornflower seeds to bring back to school and used the leaves and petals they collected from their garden walk to create a flower collage. Seahorses had a lovely time at Rosemoor Gardens. The children thought carefully about what a seed needs to grow and acted this out. We explored the grounds, looking for flowers of different colours and collecting petals and leaves from the ground to decorate their own flower. They each carefully planted some blue cornflower seeds and enjoyed a picnic lunch on the green.
In our outdoor learning session Jellyfish planted their own sunflower seed. We are going to observe what happens over the new few weeks in class. Seahorses have been singing Spring Chicken this week ready for Easter. Starfish have been singing Spring Chicken ready for Easter this week. |
June 2024
Classes |