Seahorses have really enjoyed undertaking a range of Billy Goat Gruff activities this week. They have explored objects from the story, drawn their own trolls and painted a scenic background for him.
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Starfish class have been learning about 2D shapes this week through lots of different activities. They have sorted shapes into groups of squares, rectangles, circles and triangles and also used the shapes to create shape pictures. They have made 2D shapes using the pegs and peg boards and made their own shapes using the connect-o-straws, as well as drawn and labelled shapes that they know.
Jellyfish class have been looking at the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff this week. They started the week by having to look at a range of clues to work out what text we were focusing on. They have enjoyed role playing the story within the class using masks and small world toys.
CSeahorses have been partaking in a range of Chinese New year activities this week. Exploring rice and noodles, creating their own paper dragon and making a Chinese drum out of paper plates. Mrs Rutherford reading The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Mrs Byrom reading the Three Billy Goats Gruff. Miss Stringer reading the Three Billy Goats Gruff. The children have made Chinese Lanterns, dragons, and masks using different skills. They have enjoying role playing in the Chinese restaurant. Jellyfish have been looking at Chinese New Year this week and have been busy with lots of different activities. We have made paper plate drums, paper dragons and Chinese lanterns. They have also tried writing Chinese symbols in the rice and explored noodles. Within the role play area we have a Chinese restaurant set up and the children have been making and delivering their own Chinese takeaways and writing down the orders. Jellyfish and Seahorses have been using numicon to help find and record their number bonds to 10. |
June 2024
Classes |