Last Friday Swans class enjoyed their first football P.E. session with our coach, James. They worked hard at dribbling the ball with the inside and outside of their foot, moving around the hall and kicking the ball at targets.
Swan's practised skills to pass Knight School. They made a collage knight in armour and painted a castle. They built the tallest watch tower they could and practised aiming at targets. At the end of the day they all passed Knight School, got their certificate and played on the school castle!
During our engage day we looked at castles, knights and coats of arms. We created our own coats of arms thinking about things that are important to us such as an animal, a place or an object and included these on our very own coat of arms. We used tin foil to create suits of armour for knights and used black paint, charcoal and pens to create castle pictures. We also learnt how to aim at a target using foam balls and then worked in teams to defend our castle from the enemy using foam javelins and foam balls.
October 2024