Lions class had a great day learning about traditions and celebrations for Chinese New Year.
The children had a great time exploring Chinese New Year. They learnt about traditions and celebrations, wrote their names in Chinese and enjoyed creating their own artwork inspired by snakes. The reception children of Giraffes class have been collecting colours this week onto pieces of callico. They collected their colours using different mediums such as paint, oil pastel, felt tip etc. in order to create their own colour book. The year one children have been exploring watercolour. We looked at work from Paul Klee and Emma Burleigh and explored how water colour behaved and different effects that could be created using different parts of the paintbrush and our fingers. The children in Lions are enjoying art. The Year One children have been exploring watercolour. They have looked at the artwork of Paul Clee and Emma Burleigh and have experimented with using a range of techniques. Today the children used their knowledge and skills to create an African Savannah inspired watercolour painting. The EYFS children have been exploring colour this week. Using pieces of calico the children have been collecting and mark making with a range of colours in different mediums, to make a fabric book of their findings. The children in Giraffes had a lot of fun while learning the positions of the numbers on a number line. The children had an amazing session with musician Becky, where they had the opportunity to play a range of different musical instruments. After experiencing all of them, the children got to pick their favourite and play the 7 Step Polka as a class band. They had a fabulous time and sounded fantastic! The children had a great time exploring the instruments and learning the 7 Step Polka, an East Devon folk song.EYFS had a brilliant time exploring colours and making their own colour books using different art resources. They then used different materials make marks representing movements. Year 1 have been enjoying exploring water colours inspired by Paul Klee and Emma Burleigh. The children had an amazing session with musician Becky. The children had the opportunity to play a range of different musical instruments. After experiencing all of them, the children got to pick their favourite and play the 7 Step Polka as a class band. The children were fantastic! We had a great engage day for our new topic, A is for Africa. The children created Savannah sunset pictures using Brusho and later added silhouettes of African animals. The children also made some traditional African collar necklaces and created their own beads by rolling patterned papers. |